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Bridging Cultures Through Ancient Thangka Art

Bhutan Times | By Pema Tshomo I 2024-06-30

Nima Dorji, a Bhutanese artist who has called Hong Kong home for the past twelve years, has carved a unique niche for himself in the bustling metropolis.
Dorji’s journey as an artist began at a young age, nestled within the vibrant artistic environment of his childhood home in Thimphu, Bhutan. Surrounded by his father, a renowned Thangka artist, and his father’s circle of artist friends, Dorji was exposed to the rich tapestry of Bhutanese art forms from a young age.

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A Thangka Exhibtion in Hong Kong : Interview of Teacher Nima Dorji from Bhutan (in English)

梁錦祥工作室 |  1 Sept 2023

Bhutanese thangka artist Nima Dorji Thas been specialising in thangka paintings, statues and thangka restoration, and his father, Master Thinley Norbu, is a Bhutanese national treasure thangka master. The exhibition debuts a wall paintings of the Heavenly King of Dharmakaya. Created in 2012 under the leadership of Master Thinley Norbu and co-created with Nima Dorji.

特備節目-香港唐卡展覽:訪問不丹唐卡師Nima Dorji 

梁錦祥工作室 | 2023-09-15

不丹唐卡藝術家Nima Dorji 竹二建良先生現一直專汪於唐卡製作﹑佛像及唐卡復修,其父親Master Thinley Norbu為不丹國寶級唐卡師,因緣自蓮花生大師。此次展覽將首度展出來自不丹崗頂寺的多聞天王三聯壁畫。此壁畫創作於2012年,由Master Thinley Norbu領導下,Nima Dorji共同創作,完成後更由崗頂法王帶領多名僧侶為此壁畫念頌法會並加持,實屬形貴。

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Bhutanese Artist Making Good in Hong Kong

KUENSEL | Feature | By Chimi Dema | 2022-04-20

Nima Dorji, 32, from Lhuntse, is an artist residing and teaching art in Hong Kong. He works on traditional Bhutanese art and explores the contemporary art form. Nima Dorji has been living in Hong Kong for 11 years with his wife, Cheuk Tak Lam. He has held three exhibitions in Hong Kong in the past three years on thangka, wall painting, and performance. 

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有線電視財經資訊台 | 拉近文化 | 5 Feb 2022

唐卡、佛像、不丹木雕,甚至藏傳佛教概念的當代畫看似大不同,但在唐卡師竹二建良(Nima Dorji)手上,不同類型的藝術所表達的意念、運用的技巧其實皆如出一轍,讓觀者的心靈在美好的藝術中找到片刻寧靜。




信報財經新聞 C03 | 城市定格 | 訪談錄 | By 譚淑美 | 2021-09-15

竹二建良(Nima Dorji)是不丹人,他來港定居已逾10年,正職是唐卡藝術家,師承父親Thinley Norbu,他的家族作為唐卡畫師有七代歷史,祖父輩以至他自己,畫遍不丹多間寺廟的牆壁,最早可追溯至十四世紀。

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